Hardware and Commissioning Work
- Fiber work [DW, GP]:
- Install new longer DDU-SP link fibers (stored in back of rack)
- Re-routing of trigger fibers so that single SPs can be removed
more easily
- Increase in number of Velcro support points and attention to
stress reduction for most loaded fibers in bundles (advice fiber guys)
- Monitor problems on online (csc-tf.cms) machine
- Create an online
log of all problems and include post-mortem checks of log files from all
crashes and unexplained behavior. (/var/log/messages, dmesg etc..)
- Synchronization of orbit counter (OC0) [DW, LU, GR]
- –TTCci config
change for CSC, suggest put in configure (or possibly resynch) sequence.
- CSCTF-DTTF data exchange commissioning [DW, GP]
- Fine timing of DT stubs in CSCTF
- Remap of exchange quality values (new TMB format); work with
- F and Fb exchange mapping; work with Janos.
- Worry about fine details of MB data; 2nd bx flag,
cal, and examine how the BXN lsb reset themselves over all the links.
(Should be then masked in to synch FMMs.
- ME1/a trigger mask
- Solution should be @ TMB level, remind Greg & Jay.
- We can possibly make a mask in the LUTs for coincidence tracks
(otherwise potentially a switch in SP firmware.)
- Complete setup of 904 Test stand [DW, GP]
- Get TTC crate running properly including full TTC control s/w
- Move ‘real’ spare TF crate in to 904.
- Hassle Russian guys who were assembling the rest of the test
stand bits (p-crate, chamber…)
- Keep online (google doc) of equipment manifest up to date.
- Synch of BXN
- Check & offset BXN as needed; GT, SP, peripheral crates
- Fine delay scan of TTC-rx
- Fine tuning of trigger links to be centered in phase.
- Web based tool for easy translation & creation of config
Firmware Tests and Studies
- Test of firmware with halo muon trigger delay and CSC stub
delay [DW, GP]
- Systematic accounting of link errors [DW, GP, LU]
- listing,
frequency, improvement with cleaning? Improvement with re-sync?), and
procedures to mitigate
- Mask back in to FMM response, after resolving any issues that
make this problematic at the DAQ side
- Firmware development and test for new SP mezzanine card [LU, AM]
- SP flash tests
Online Software
- Monitorables/Conditions [DW]
- Storage into online DB of monitorables
- tools to retrieve info (possibly offline with O2O tool)
- Standard auto production of plots & validation summary
(à-la TF DQM)
- Error reporting from online monitoring (conditions and TF-DQM)
to shifters and ultimately to any centralized error reporting mechanism
[DW, GP]
- Using Sentinel reporting system?
- Web-based GUI of rates (collision tracks and halo) and errors
(porting of existing Root-based code into TS framework) [DW, GP]
- Systematic review of all histos in local and central DQM for
suggested changes, additions, or removal of plots and addition of appropriate
documentation [KK, JG, DA]
- Diagnostics from data unpacking added to central DQM (data
format errors) [JG, KK]
- Link errors and other info from local DQM inserted into central
- Conversion of local DQM to run as XDAQ app and thus be served
events online rather than read local files [JG,KK]
- Validate CSCTF emulator in central DQM [JG, KK, RICE]
- Ensure SP emulation is correct (requires propagation of config
- Ensure Muon Sorter emulation works vs. SP and GMT readout (winner bits, phi, eta, quality PT
) [RICE]
- MPCàSP optical link checks from event data (in DQM?) [RICE]
- O2O tools to propagate online configuration to offline DB
(Event Setup work) [KK?]
- SPàMSàGMT validation with data [RICE]
- Although CSCTF (MS & SP) injection code exists, no real stress
test completed.
- Check out MS sorting algorithm & LUT & SP winner bit
- Changes to data fields for unpacked digis (BC0 à BXN) [KK]
- Add collection of DT stubs (and CSC stubs) from CSCTF unpacker
[KK, LR]
Online Software Consolidation
- Synchronize CVS repository and what we have on online machines
- CVS tags, continued /nfshome0/csctfts backup on uftrig03
- Clean up and minor redesign of core libraries;
- Scan-ease interface; Holger era, horrid inherited low level
- SPObject*
over complicated unused
inheritance tree.
I think maybe we should
consider dealing in auto_ptrs or at least count refs in TFCrateContainer.
- Firmware loading; Holger legacy, lots of nasty things, should
be cleaned & options for things like parasitic dumps of current load
- CAEN block transfer mode for standard register (e.g. LUT writes)
- Clean up of SPFunctions library
- Want most of basic code in there, classes have become badly
designed, inconsistent (over time!).
Due for a (very simple) layout reshuffle.
- Clean up /test executables;
- Get rid of the old ones we don’t use,
- clean up those written in a hurry & turn in to proper user
code rather than expert developer code. (e.g. rather than commenting
in/out a line to turn on injections on single/repeated injections, write
a proper user interface..)
- SPValidations, SPStandAlones, SPLUTSAndFirmware,
- Mostly fine, we should finish them properly.
- SPReadout & rootUnpackSPDAQ we should decide what to keep,
make it user friendly and and kill the rest.
- Ts cell; (really DW’s domain now.)
- I think a final touch to the multithreading part would be a
P-ID recall mechanism to kill and report timed out threads. (we never saw any problems with
thread recall but we should proof for it). Right now you just wait for the
last thread to terminate and then report the status.
- A more global time out mechanism for the whole process.
- Error handling;
- I see right now we have a few different exceptions strategies
across the packages, we should homogenise to one and write some of the handling
code with framework rather than stand-alone executable running in mind.
- I think it would be useful to introduce more throw lists than
we have and expect the framework to have dealt with he consequences
rather than trying to deal with properly unknown exceptions ourselves.
- We should build in some verbosity levels for our output.
Offline Studies and Software
- Verify BXA working for halo trigger [DW]
- Synchronization studies using beam data (halo, splash events)
- Halo trigger tuning (Delta Eta window, delta phi window, use of
accel mu bits) [JG]
- Halo muon HLT release validation package and checks [JG]
- Halo muon HLT DQM plots [JG]
- Loose dimuon trigger (optimize J/Psi and Upsilon efficiency)
- Study of DT phi vs. CSC phi from data, derive proper conversions
and LUTs [RICE]
- Study of DT synchronization, DT stub quality from data [DW,LR]
- Validation and tuning of SR LUTs [GP, Dubna]
- Compare assigned eta/phi coordinates to offline muon
- Fix ME1 F-flip problem
- Study/validate introduction of disk alignment offsets [GP,NK]
- Check/repair/introduce propagation of offsets into CSCTF LUTs
- Understand sensitivity of trigger efficiency & Pt
resolution vs (non incorporated) miss-alignment. (mode by mode, plane by
- ‘Standard’ offline CSCTF data analysis package [KK,LR]
- Lives in CVS as an example, unpacks Global DAQ data and spits
out root tree of plots [decide on area]
- Start with some of basic TF DQM style plots, eta/phi, rate by
mode etc.
- Include ratio of CSC trigs and efficiency @ HLT by mode
- DT overlap rate by sector etc etc..
- Benchmarking of efficiencies standard physics channels +
background rates vs CSCTF configs
- Basic (e.g. dilepton physics) but also some basic but rare
valuable channels (Higgs).
- Vs DAT_ETA cuts mode by mode
- PT LUT tuning
- MC-based parameterizations [JG, RA]
- Tracker-based parameterizations from data [GP]
- L2 standalone muon reco fit to SP data, MC-based [GP]
- L2 standalone muon reco fit to SP data, Tracker-based [GP]
- Valid charge bit tuning [?]
- Miscellanea (singles and halo codes)
- Validate rate reduction against
- Validate efficiency important
channels (Tev muons, low momentum muons)
- Improvements to SP core logic (new mezzanine card)
- PT assignment optimization with 4 stations (TeV mu
recover) [AM, RW]
b. Use of ME1 angle (TMB pattern à fB )
to improve PT assignment [GP]
c. Improvement of extrapolation units (more combinations, use of accel
muon bit, use of TMB qualities, …) [?]
d. Refined halo muon trigger using ME1 [AM, JG]
e. Improved ghost cancellation including eta ghost-busting in ME2-ME3 [AM,DA]
- LUT table dumping (overlaps with the misalignment job)
- Incorporate correct DT-phi conversion
- Pattern replace by mode code (à-la deprecated DAT_FTR
1. exists as a post-dump converting executable for now
- Emulator Updates
- Do we correctly simulate Halo, singles, coincidences,
mode-replace code, phi conversions, halo delays etc etc.. ?
- CSCTF Installation note [DH]
- CSCTF Commissioning note [DH]
- A full user/new developer manual for online software, it is
just too big a package with too many funny external implications not to do
this properly. [DH!]
- Update/refinement to CSCTF shift manual.