Running the Halo Emulator
Python Files:
- In your .py file, you must have the line: process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.SimL1Emulator_cff")
- In your execution you must include the sequences process.simCsctfTrackDigis and process.simCsctfDigis
Config Files (2_0_X and before):
- In you .cfg file you must include L1Trigger/Configuration/data/L1MuonEmulator.cff
- If the data file you are running on has CSC and DT digis, you only need to run the modules csctfTrackDigis and csctfDigis.
- If your data file does not have CSC and DT digis, then you will need to run the defined sequence L1MuonTriggerPrimitives
CMSSW_1_6_X, CMSSW_1_7_X, & CMSSW_1_8_X
- In these versions, the emulator modules were defined in different code and had different names.
- The steps are the same as in 2_0_X, but the CSCTF emulator modules are now called l1CscTfTrackEmulDigis and l1CscTfEmulDigis.
- This version is the same as the 1_6_X-1_8_X series except that the name of the trigger primitives module is different in L1MuonEmulator.cff
- The new name is l1MuonTriggerPrimitives
- You should not be running in a CMSSW version this old, the software is out of date and no longer accurately models the firmware. This is probably true for CMSSW_1_5_X - 1_7_X too.