(July 08 GR)








  • The "baseline" CSCTF configuration for the CRUZET 3 (July 7->14 08) Global runs is a "singles" trigger. This means you get a trigger on the basis of reception of any single chamber "local Charged Trigger". Technically the coincidence trigger is run inclusively of this with 'closed window' settings, BXA on as below. We were seeing a rate ~55-60Hz with this trigger for most of the runs using both + and -EC.
  • For the CRUZET 3 runs, we always ran the singles trigger but inclusively of this we run the TF core logic. Two specific keys were used, changing slightly the cuts on the halo trigger part of the core logic;
  • 'Open halo windows'; key "20708". This key contains a setting for he halo trigger 'max del-eta' cut at maximum. Minumum is unchanged
  • 'Tight halo Windows'; key "60608". This key is as before and contains the defualt settings for the halo trigger window.


CRUZET 3 CSC Track Finder Run Notes
Run CSCTF Config Time/Date Notes
50712 "20708" : Open Halo Windows 7/7/08

Ivan says run was ok but apparently they ramped up the rate at the end
--- no CSCTF DQM right now, maybe still processing...
potentially run ok.? Can't say for now.

50715 "20708" : Open Halo Windows 7/7/08

50715; nice data set; CSC in, sounds like ~1m evtsish. (watch out for elogs, mislabelled as 50712)
First DQM look makes me think this run is good, one (non important) link is out. Suggest analyse!
AF prob: SP8/4c Also see Error prop counters same FFPGA (guess symptom). no synch errors! (wow!)

51011 "60608" : Tight Halo windows 8/7/08
AF problems;
SP8,4c -----> known, not serious (mu3 link)
SP10, all ME1a ----> new, serious; whole ME1a crate (-1/8)
SP12,3c -----> new, not serious (mu3 link)
Apart from 1/8 hole, run looks ok. Mid size stats.
Suggest ok to analyze but be aware of funny 1/8 crate, maybe better to look at next run..

51020 "60608" : Tight Halo windows 9/7/08
SP8,4c -----> known, not serious (mu3 link)
** SP10, SP12 problems from last run gone **
big stats, nice run.
Suggest you should analyze this one.

51037 "60608" : Tight Halo windows 9/7/08

- not massive stats, mini run.
SP8,4c -----> known, not serious (mu3 link)
SP9,3a ----> new; reasonably serious since this is a mu1 link.
you could analyze this one but be aware you lose -3/3. Stats not massive, probably there are better runs.

51038 & 39 "60608" : Tight Halo windows 9/7/08
-medium size stats, better runs
SP8,4c -----> known, not serious (mu3 link)
suggest these ones are worth analyzing. STart with 39 which has slightly more events.
51047 "60608" : Tight Halo windows 10/7/08
-big stats
SP8,4c -----> known, not serious (mu3 link)
yes, look at this one..
51086 "60608" : Tight Halo windows 10/7/08 -very small stats, only the known SP8/4c problem.
-ok to analyze but there are bigger runs..
51087 "60608" : Tight Halo windows 10/7/08 -medium stats
SP8,4c -----> known, not serious (mu3 link)
yes, look at this one..