Configuration Keys
| OMDS keys








-->7 Keys made on 120808(for CRUZET4)

-->Key 20708

-->Four set of keys made on 20080606

-->Key 240408

-->Key 60308









Keys created on Aug12,2008 (for CRUZET4 usage): 8 keys


key                       Brief Descriptions


120808     "baseline key":: Singles + coincidence {BXA off, open Eta-wins except  for halo config which uses default}

130808     "BXA off":: coincidence trigger, bunch crossing analyser off

140808     "BXA==1":: BXA allows LCTs on consecutive bx into the trigger

150808     "BXA==2":: BXA allows LCTs split by 2 bx in to trigger

160808     "Halo open":: halo widows are opened up

170808     "LHC":: key with parameters as CMSSW defaults.

190808     "Progressive del-eta cuts":: cuts are varied on an extrapolation by  extrapolation basis. + singles

200808     tight halo window”: This key has tighter halo windows of half the size of default   one

180808      deprecated;  intended to be  the "Progressive del-eta cuts", but have problem in it. Don’t use it any more.


Detailed Synopsis of each key can be found in the following links:


-->synopsis for key 120808


-->synopsis for key 130808


-->synopsis for key 140808


-->synopsis for key 150808


-->synopsis for key 160808


-->synopsis for key 170808


-->synopsis for key 180808 (deprecated)


-->synopsis for key 190808

-->synopsis for key 200808






Below is the Monitor data and LUTs used(zipped tar files):








Corresponding emulator cfg files(python files for CMSSW_2_1_0):


key 120808 cmssw config file


key 130808 cmssw config file


key 140808 cmssw config file


key 150808 cmssw config file


key 160808 cmssw config file


key 170808 cmssw config file



key 190808 cmssw config file



key 200808 cmssw config file


key 180808 cmssw config file(don’t use it, use 190808 one for "Progressive del-eta cuts"  configuration instead)