Configuration Keys
| OMDS keys








-->7 Keys made on 030908(for startup)

-->7 Keys made on 120808(for CRUZET4)

-->Key 20708

-->Four set of keys made on 20080606

-->Key 240408

-->Key 60308









Keys created on Sep.3,2008 (for startup usage): 7 keys


key Brief Descriptions

10908 singleBeam, ME+ singles & LHC windows

20908 singleBeam, ME- singles & LHC windows

30908 singleBeam, ME+ singles & LHC windows and ME- ME1 singles and halo

40908 singleBeam, ME- singles & LHC windows and ME+ ME1 singles and halo

50908 ME+ Halo

60908 ME- Halo

70908 all halo(old key, with different d_phi cut for halo w.r.t. 120808)

80908 all halo




Detailed Synopsis of each key can be found in the following links:


-->synopsis for key 10908

-->synopsis for key 20908


-->synopsis for key 30908


-->synopsis for key 40908

-->synopsis for key 50908

-->synopsis for key 60908


-->synopsis for key 70908


-->synopsis for key 80908






Below is the Monitor data and LUTs used(zipped tar files):










Corresponding emulator cfg files(python files for CMSSW_2_1_0):


key 10908 cmssw config file


key 20908 cmssw config file


key 30908 cmssw config file


key 40908 cmssw config file


key 50908 cmssw config file


key 60908 cmssw config file



key 70908 cmssw config file



key 80908 cmssw config file